My sister, she came home with these, most of the way empty, and she said, "Here I wanted you to have these, you can review them on your blog or something."
I was going to just eat them all, but I know how crappy I have been to you, mr. homeless guy that goes into the libary to check on my blog. So I thought a quick review is in order. Also, These pictures were uploaded and saved onto paint shop pro x!! I was used to psp 7, and I used 9 I believe in the trial (hard to crack that version for some odd reason) and so I really wanted to upgrade. It's pretty much same thing, but looks shinier and has a little bit more. More tubes (I love tubes!!) and the navigation is a lot better. BUT it takes like 5 minutes to load!! I think I might keep psp7 just for the quick in and out jobs. And I also have adobe which I am going to uninstall tonight. Can anyone use that? I think it's a lot harder to use. I couldn't even figure out how to copy and paste in it!!! I bet people will be like oh you are just stupid, but PsP is a lot easier to use. I also got Macromedia studio 8 yesterday, which includes Dreamweaver, Coldfusion (have no clue what that is, haven't installed it cause I don't want to waste harddrive space for a POS software) fireworks (it's like Dreamweaver but with a little bit of photoediting software) and Flash which I have used before. I get it but it's still a big project to make a 2 second little video but I really want to make some flash cartoons for my blog. The first time I screwed with it I couldn't get the button thing to work, to start and replay the cartoon 'sigh' maybe this time.
Anyway, these are chocolate covered tootsie rolls. How clever!! "rolls eyes" I could only eat about 10 of them at first, they make me thirsty, and they are rich. I could see different flavors though, like orange chocolate on the outside. The chocolate seperated in my mouth, like chocolate does on a raisinet. Those are also rich and make me thirsty but they are great. They are smaller then a regular mini chew. Tootsie rolls and chocolate usually make me thristy seperately so I think it just made it super duper bad. But with the koolaid I was drinking it was good. I can also see these in a trail mix type of snack.

Those look like shiny little shits don't they? Well, I can't see buying these but they aren't terrible. They are just tootsie rolls but a little fancier.
Also, I entered yet another worth1000 contest. Is there any other photoshop contest websites out there? Please tell me because I love entering. I entered the band name literalism one. Limp Bizkit. Good times. Also my best friend left yesterday morning to his home town hermiston Oregon yesterday morning for errans. He might be home tomorrow but it will probably be sunday. I miss him when he isn't around, I just love joking around with him and I enjoy just knowing he's an arm length. He feels the same way. Also my work has came to a crawl so I am looking for a dispatch job. We thought it was going to be bad, because my oldest sister thought she was canned on her weekend job. But they adjusted it so she'll be a lot happier. Her boss was really on her ass and it was stressful, also she worked during the day on weekends and during the week on the nighttimes so the transistion was hard. We thought we had to make up the other half of her paycheck (which is near impossible because that means we would have to get another job) but I think this means it's all blown over. So sweet. I still need another way to keep the cash flowing for my cell and other expenses. So that'll be a challenge. I almost had a job but for some reason I can't find my id and I need it to show I am over 18.
Anyway shower time!! I've been putting it off for a couple of days now LOL. My cousin (about the same age as I am) Left today for Iraq, like I said he's going for money, he isn't a Marine or anything but he is qualified to work over there. My heart is with him even though him and I have some past problems. The main thing I am disapointed in is his little girl, 2 in September, my Grandparents can't keep up with her, so maybe they can see her for a few hours but I wouldn't be able to. They might not want to see her because they don't like the mom that much. She is just too excited to get her child support check. He pays too much (from what people say, he pays 350 which I think that's fair) so they don't like her, especially because she works partime so it's like she doesn't want to work, BUT the best thing for the kid is not a babysitter but the mom!! The best way to raise a kid is to RAISE THEM YOURSELF!! Not other people. I knew her from high school a little, she was semi-popular and I was down in the nerdy section.
You see why I am grungy, I have too many other things to do then to have good hygiene!! LOL anyway Always love even when you outta fight!!
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